British Govt. seeks Nepal’s opinion

January 25, 2004

British Ministry of Defence (MOD) has sought Nepal government’s opinion upon the Gurkha Army Ex-Servicemen’s Organisation (GAESO)’s ongoing campaign for the equal pay and benefits for ex-Gurkhas, reports said Sunday.

In a press meet organized by GAESO on Saturday, its President Padam Gurung said, “This time the MOD has said their next decision will review the family benefits and privileges accorded to married Gurkha soldiers, we are hopeful that other issues like pension will be reviewed and eventually adjusted.”

Gopal Siwakoti “Chintan”, legal advisor of GAESO, urged Nepal government to support the cause of ex-Gurkhas.

“The plight of the ex-servicemen in the British Army is sensitive and is the issue of national importance. So, the government should support the initiative,” the reports quoted him, as saying.

Political leaders, human right activists and members of civic society also pledged to support the campaign initiated by GAESO on the occasion. rs Jan 25