British govt gives visa to VC veteran

June 3, 2007

The British government said it has reversed its decision to deny a visa to a veteran Nepali Gurkha soldier who won Britain’s highest military honour for valour on Friday.

Tul Bahadar Pun, 84, had been awarded the Victoria Cross during the World War II for his bravery against the Japanese.

Pun had wanted to go Britain for medical treatment.

The British home ministry earlier denied him a settlement visa, saying that he failed to demonstrate that he had strong ties with the UK

“The circumstances surrounding Tul Bahadur Pun’s case are clearly exceptional and in light of this, Home Secretary John Reid and I have reviewed the case and made the decision to grant Mr Pun a settlement visa immediately,” Immigration Minister Liam Byrne said.

Pun is suffering from heart problems, asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure.