Bhutanese refugees gherao SAARC Secretariat

June 28, 2006

As part of their relentless attempts for early repatriation to their homeland, dozens of Bhutanese refugees gheraoed the SAARC Secretariat at Lainchour, Kathmandu, Wednesday afternoon.
The protesting refugees demanded that the SAARC Secretariat play a role in respectful repatriation of more than 100,000 Bhutanese refugees languishing in seven camps in eastern Jhapa and Morang districts since last 15 years.

The refugees led by Bhutanese human rights leader Tek Nath Rizal also submitted a memorandum at the secretariat.

Talking to reporters, Rizal said the refugees would continue the ongoing protests for their repatriation to Bhutan. “As our voices have not been heard from any side, we are forced to protest demanding our right to return to our homeland. We will continue such protests,” he said.

The refugees have been continuously protesting in front the United Nations office at Pulchowk since last four weeks, asking the UN to pressure the Bhutanese government and other concerned parties for their respectful repatriation.

15 rounds of ministerial level bilateral talks aimed at finding a solution to the refugee stalemate have ended in deadlock.