Nepalgunj, Mar. 8: Positive changes have been taking place in the Badi Community with the introduction of a development programme launched by different governmental and non-governmental organisations.
Following introduction of a number of development programmes over the past 6-7 years, flesh trade among the Badi community has declined.
It is hoped that prostitution among the Badi will end within the next five years.
But Badi women are facing financial difficulties for lack of alternative income sources after they abandoned this traditional calling.
The women of Rajapur in Bardiya district have informed ngos and different social organisations in writing about their willingness to abandon this profession if they are provided employment.
They regret that they have had to adopt such a despised profession.
According to a survey conducted by sap nepal, some 24 out of 117 Badi women who used to be depended on prostitution are still involved in this profession.
But they are becoming convinced of the need to abandon prostitution and also provide proper education for their children.
An 11-member community development group has been formed under the chairmanship of Sukameli Nepali with the objective of mitigating prostitution and creating alternative livelihoods, according to sap nepal.
They are confident that their social status will rise once the prostitution is brought under control.
The ngo safe has constructed girl’s hostels in the villages of the Badi community and works, another ngo, has been conducting training in income generating schemes for them from time to time.
A development programme meant for helping this community is also found helpful in raising their educational background.
They are attending literacy classes for adults run by different governmental and Non-governmental Organisations and about 90 per cent of the children are in school.
However, their political motivation is at a negligible level and this might be due to negligence by local political leaders. Just one person from this community has been nominated a member of the village development committee.
A need has been felt for the government to motivate such women to take up some respectable calling by resolving the problems of unemployment, settlement, malnutrition and poor health that they face.
The people of other communities holds negative attitudes towards the prostitution prevalent in the Badi community.
A large number people of this community resides in Dang, Salyan, Banke, Bardiya and Kailali in the Mid-western and Far – western regions.
Prostitution among them increased after their main traditional callings like dancing, fishing, drum playing, weaving fishing nets and animal husbandry became threatened. They also started to settle along the Mahendra highway adjacent to town areas.