ANNISU-R to hold national conference from Sept. 18-21 in Kathmandu

June 26, 2006

The Maoist affiliated All Nepal National Independent Student Union-Revolutionary (ANNISU-R), is organizing its 17th National Conference from 18th to 21st September in the capital with the agenda of democratic republic.

Lekhnath Neupane

Lekhnath Neupane (File Photo)
Speaking at a press conference in the capital organized to disseminate the decisions of the two-day central level meeting held on June 23, Neupane said their national conference will focus on holding unconditional elections to the proposed constituent assembly to establish absolute democracy in the country.

He also warned all conspirators who are trying to derail the talks between the government and the Maoists and added that the ANNISU-R would organise various programmes to pressurise the government if the state did not enter people’s republic through a Constituent Assembly (CA).

“Both the parties should at least finalise the interim statute in the next talks and should scrap the 1990 constitution in order to end all kinds of disorder in the country,” Neupane added.

Speaking at the same programme, former general secretary of ANNISU-R, Himal Sharma, said that the government should make public the whereabouts of all the missing students.

According to Sharma, 10 central committee members elected in the 15th national convention are still missing while 4 members elected in the 16th national convention have been killed and 3 are still missing.

Neupane said that they have planned to increase the number of student membership by 10 lakhs (1 million). They claimed that they have around 12 lakh general membership thoroughout the nation. The student union also stated that their movement would now be focussed on fulfilling all the educational demands forwarded by them.

According to student body, the conference will also discuss re-structuring the educational system and provision of free education up to secondary level.