American University Students on Designing Liberal Democracy for Nepal

August 3, 2006

The University of Miami and Nepal Study Center at the University of New Mexico jointly conducted an experimental project called “Designing Liberal Democracy”.

A press statement issued by the organizers said, in the Spring of 2006, American students under the guidance of professor Jeff Drope followed closely political events in Nepal, and used theoretical models of liberal democracy within the context of Nepal to develop various institutional proposals for a new Nepali State.

The statement further adds that their deliberations centered on various substantive themes including Education and promotion of “civil society”, facilitating a peaceful transition to democracy, institutions, basic human and civil rights, popular support for the system, minority rights and equal representation, and economic development.

A number of Nepalis provided valuable feedback to the students.

The release further said that the output of the experiment in the form of various proposals will be published as a special issue of the Liberal Democracy Nepal Bulletin (LDNB) journal by the Nepal Study Center.

Pleased with the success of the program, both Dr Alok K Bohara of the Nepal Study Center (UNM) and Dr Jeff Drope of the University of Miami hope to expand the experiment inviting other interested parties from both Nepali and US institutions.