‘Amendment of Constitution not necessary’

January 29, 2001

Kathmandu, Jan. 29: Supreme Court judge Laxman Prasad Aryal today said that it was not necessary to amend the Constitution at present.

“Time has yet to come for us to amend the Constitution. More priority should be given to other national issues than the amendment of the Constitution,” Aryal said.

He further said that the Constitution is not erroneous and there is no need to change it. He also was of the opinion that opposing the Constitution means disrespecting the people as it reflects their aspirations.

“Instead of pointing out the defects of the Constitution, we should concentrate on implementing it properly.”

He, however, said that there should be timely changes in the constitutional provisions. “We have to do necessary homework before talking about amending the Constitution.”

He expressed the views at an interaction programme organised by Samudra Mana Vidhya Pratishthan here today.

Speaking at the function, Ishwar Pokhrel, lawmaker and member of the Standing Committee of the UML, said that his party is in favour of amending some provisions of the Constitution.

Forwarding his logic, Pokhrel said, “We have to protect the achievement made through the People’s Movement of 1990 and make an end to the present instability in the country.”

He also said that his party does not want to frame up a revolutionary Constitution.

Addressing the function, Sindhu Nath Pyakurel, President of Nepal Bar Association, said the Constitution could be long-lasting and democratic only when it is amended after extensive discussions and brainstorming.

Bhim Acharya, Central Committee member of UML, said that the amendment of the Constitution is necessary to uproot corruption, improve the election system and solve the issues related to land reforms and ethnic community.

Balaram Baskota, Central Committee member of ML, emphasised the need to elect the Prime Minister on the basis of adult franchise.

Baskota also said that the amendment in the Constitution is imperative to bring about drastic changes in the country.

Prof. Gopal Shivakoti, advocate Krishna Prasad Bhandari, member-secretary of National Sports Council Binod Shankar Palikhe also spoke on the occasion.

The programme was chaired by Laxmi Prasad Upreti, Vice-Chancellor of the Academy.