All party meet gives Deuba mandate to talk with Maoists

August 10, 2001

An all party conference Friday gave Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba its unanimous mandate to talk with Maoists to end a communist insurgency that has claimed more than 1800 lives in nearly six years peacefully through negotiations.

“The government must move with maximum restraint  and carefully to protect the basic fundamental and human rights enshrined in the constitution and solve the problem peacefully,” a joint press statement attended by 41 participants said at the meeting’s end.  Talks should begin unconditionally and immediately with the rebels, the statement said.

The cessation of hostilities by the government and the Maoists was a “positive sign” and urged  the insurgents to end other forceful acts that are still continuing, the statement said.

There should be a negotiated, peaceful  and political solution to the conflict, the participants said. Deuba received the unanimous support he  sought from all political parties represented in parliament Friday to begin talks with the Maoists.