All-party govt. can resolve crisis: Chandra Shekhar

January 29, 2004

Former Indian Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar, in a meeting with PM Surya Bahadur Thapa on Wednesday, opined that an all-party government may end the present political turmoil, reports said Thursday.

After receiving the audience from the King on Tuesday, Chandra Shekhar told journalists that the king is very serious about the present condition of the country. He also said that if the King and the political join hands, the crisis can be resolved soon.

According to the published reports, Shekhar stressed the need to follow democratic way to resolve the crisis. Shekhar said that India wants to see constitutional monarchy and multiparty democracy in Nepal.

“Though my visit to Nepal is very personal, I have expressed my suggestion because of the worsening political condition of the country,” said Chandra Shekhar, who was here to attain the wedding of Nepali Congress leader Chakra Prasad Bastola’s daughter.

Chandra Shekhar also met with the leaders of political parties like President of Nepali Congress, Girija Prasad Koirala, General Secretary of CPN-UML, Madhav Kumar Nepal, and Speaker Tara
Nath Ranabhat, among others.