AIN urges for long term ceasefire

December 14, 2005

The Association of INGOs in Nepal (AIN) has urged both the government and Maoists to agree to a mutual long-term ceasefire to create a conducive atmosphere, leading to final cessation of the continuing violence in the country.

A statement issued by the AIN, an association of 57 international partners working in Nepal on Wednesday said, “As international development agencies working in the rural districts of Nepal are committed to the well-being and prosperity of the Nepali people, we believe that current ceasefire is a necessary and a timely opportunity to explore more long-term, viable options for a sustainable peace throughout the country.”

“In our experience, without an agreed upon long-term ceasefire, particularly as part of a process leading to an enduring settlement of this deathly civil conflict, the poverty, illiteracy and social divisions that continue to pervade rural Nepal will fester and remain unresolved.” reads the statement.

The AIN has stated that it is aware of that fact that ten years of internal warfare and conflict have undermined the ability of development agencies to work effectively to achieve both local community-defined priorities and the national Millennium Development Goals.

The statement also called on the CPN-Maoist to desist from continuing harassment of I/NGOs and their staff with unacceptable extortions including forced donations and required registration at the district level.