Kathmandu: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Nepalese government concluded discussion on a proposed Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Project that would promote economic, social, legal, and political empowerment of poor rural women, including ethnic and low-caste women. Although the negotiations have concluded, this Project is still subject to consideration by ADB’s Board of Directors.
The Project aims to improve the socioeconomic conditions of poor rural women through a process of economic, social, legal, and political empowerment.
The project components comprise economic empowerment, legal empowerment, social empowerment, and institutional strengthening and project management. The components are mutually supporting to promote a virtuous circle of empowerment and socioeconomic improvement among poor rural women.
The proposed project will cover 15 core districts – 8 in the Midwestern and Far Western regions and 7 in the Central Region – which represent the poorest and most disadvantaged areas of Nepal, and where gender discrimination is pervasive and deep.
The Project is due for consideration by ADB’s Board in December. If approved, the Project should be forthcoming in 2005. (ADB Press Release)