Acharya flays draft interim constitution

September 4, 2006

As the draft interim constitution submitted by the Interim Constitution Drafting Committee (ICDC) is getting criticism from various quarters, one of the drafters of the 1990 constitution and senior political analyst Nilambar Acharya has described the draft not an interim constitution but a “document of disagreement.”

Speaking at a press conference organised by the Press Chautari, Dhading, on Sunday, Acharya said, “The recently presented draft of an interim constitution is not an interim constitution but a document of disagreement.”

The draft has identified the disagreements and has further widened the gap between the political parties, said Acharya.

“An agreement between the seven-party alliance and the Maoists is a must to resolve major problems and there is a need to reach an agreement on the fundamental mechanism to end the war and insure political culture in the country,” said Acharya.

The ICDC headed by one of the framers of the 1990 constitution and former Supreme Court Justice Laxman Prasad Aryal submitted the draft constitution without completing major issues like the fate of monarchy in the interim period and interim legislature among others.

Coordinator of the ICDC also acknowledged that there are some weaknesses in the draft constitution as there is representation of people of different school of thoughts.