Ace Finance awarded Best Presented Accounts award in non-banking category

August 3, 2006

Ace Finance Company Ltd. has received the ‘Best Presented Accounts’ award 2005 in the non-banking category.

Auditor General Gahendra Nath Adhikari presented the award amidst a function held in the capital on Tuesday.

A press release issued by the Company said, “Ace Finance Company Ltd. is the first finance company to be awarded this prestigious award.”

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN), the apex body of accounting professionals has been awarding the ‘Best Presented Award’ to financials and non-financial institutions.

The statement further said, in fiscal year 2005-2006, Ace Finance had an operating profit of Rs. 39.2 million.

Laxmi Bank Limited has been awarded the ‘Best Presented Accounts 2004-05’ for the second consecutive year in the Banking category.