Construction of schools and health posts begins

May 31, 2019

31 may, Hedauda- Construction of buildings of six community schools and two health posts damaged by Gorkha earthquake, has been started in Makawanpur district at a cost of more than Rs 1 billion.

At a programme held on Thursday, it was informed that the buildings of the schools and health posts going to be constructed with financial and technical support of USAID.

At foundation stone laying ceremony of Janata Secondary School at Makawanpurgadhi-7 Deputy Mission Director USAID Nepal, Adriana Hayes, informed this.

The buildings of Mahendra Kiran Secondary School, Basamadi, Bhrikuti Secondary School, Churiyamai, Yugchetan Basic School, Gyan Jyoti Secondary School,Bandevi Secondary School and Janata Secondary as well as Sukura health post and Kankada health post would be constructed, informed Adrina.

The construction of the buildings would be completed within Baishakh, 2077 BS. The Deputy-Mission Director said that the buildings are going to be constructed under Nepal Community Reconstruction Project. (RSS)