Into FEAR…

March 13, 2019

Subid Ghimire

Travel in its myriad forms entrenches one with blissfulness. This blissfulness in some way has fear hidden within it because every intelligence gets a cold chill down the spine whenever it takes an unknown step. Some people call it adventure but it’s actually fear that also brings ecstasy in disguise. Fear has generally been portrayed as a negative term but deep down it is a survival instinct that has made our race the “Homo Sapiens”. So, whatever object one uses, be it travel or a kind of sport what we are doing is getting to the depth of our survival instincts so that once in a while we can just shred out the decorations we have embellished ourselves with that bestow us with agony whichever way we forge.

Fear comes along when we try something absolutely new. A person would be intimidated to walk in an unfamiliar terrain even in a midday scorching sunlight but would be unfazed if he/she walks a well- known road even in the midnight.  Thus, what we are actually seeking in the moments of angst is absolute stillness of our ever continuing programs that we have designated as important to ourselves but which may not be actually of the worth that we assign. Why would not a person feel the same exuberance when he/she travels from home to work or the other way round as he/she does when for instance taking solace in hike along the woods that would not be otherwise abode of just wild plants and animals? Well, a student of chemistry would answer it in terms of hormones being released in the mind which would soothe the mind for a while but a dilettante of philosophy would expound the elation as an endeavor of the human mind to get rid of the programming that it has placed upon itself.

Without the moments that make our existence question its daily living, an endless array of experiences would come and go along with the breaths that would make the entire investment on that particular existence futile for a particular purpose or antithetically an accidental service to nature, that to be decided by the readers themselves, because of which the aforementioned sunder dimensions instigate the existence to abdicate the collected garnishing for an instant and delve into its foundational roots. The exquisite part about this is that these instants come with whispers of mirth. This invokes the existence to seek those objects which bring along the instances of undoing the programs. Fear inevitably is one of them. So, anything that would instill fear for inviting the placid instances, we rightly glorify it as adventure.

Rather than turning a blind eye to or refraining from going through the instances that bring up fear as a  gift, it would be wise to get into the very nature of fear or consciously participate in the activities that induce fear. These activities would be actually exhilarating to live with.