let’s End Violence Against Women In True Sense.

November 29, 2018

What is violence and what is its definition? Well! It isn’t about the definition that matters but what matters is understanding the reality behind or the key factors that cause women or any being to go through the violative environment and circumstances.

Key factors may be influential in nature or illusionary in nature, delusionary enough to imbalance the emotional balance due to regular inducement of pressure groups’ habituated misbehaviors through branding- which might not be true at some circumstances also. These kinds of violence faced by women in the home, at the workplace or in society cannot be seen or even when seen- is not accepted by mass, simply because of the tradition of the society which has habituated itself and have developed mass hysteria of not speaking about it- to save the prestige or reputation when there is no weight on it- although knowing the fact.

Human being is a social animal and when group of societal structures that form the city, group of cities forming nation and nations forming world is creating mass hypnosis kind of a situation when the built illusory reality is developed and nurtured at emotional level pierced and sewed skin deep and is very much indulged in saying or being the so-called “yes being” of fearful word of mouth – in these type of conditions, only the other groups of individuals who are truly feeling and understanding the level of violence- that violence is being performed, it exists is some shape and form and is being covered is spread like drops of water to build ocean- then this understanding can bring change- and the actual end against violence on women will get started and can be transparently.

When the descriptive sayings about violence is acceptable enough- like the voting is done to make a winner of reality television show to depict nationalism and widespread of wifi to dictate the life of every individual of this world (globalization); then the true change and violence whether be it physical or mental against women will slowly start diminishing. It might take a day, a year, a decade or an era; but the realization should come from deep within, not to just show off in social media, not to be popular, not to become heroic to run a business or organization- but to feel and get habituated in developing a world where every human being respects every being.

I being a senior professional woman of a developing nation wish that someday violence against women is stopped and people don’t just preach about it but respect women and each other discouraging any sort of violence filled mental and physical behavior. It should be felt in such a way that it is not barred by age, not barred by illusion, not barred by false marketing and branding, not barred by confusion, not barred by gender-biased tradition and culture, not barred by fear of not being accepted by society, not barred by uncertainty and not barred by thought, feelings and jealousy of one woman towards another or one man against another woman.

The belief that starting through oneself can create huge difference should spread all across. Though, if definition on violence against women is to be read, following websites give description paragraphs about violence against women.

Let’s Stop Any Sort of Violence Against Women or Any Being.
The article is written in support of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Article Writer: Prakriti Nepal
She has held organizational chief position being a young woman leader, Social Worker