Living under fear and force is no peace. The government must stand firm on its issues during the summit talks.
By Surya Dev
Peace and freedom in Nepal could be matters of distant dreams with the country fast falling under the Maoists’ grip, an extremist group labeled terrorists until last April. In all likelihood, it is heading to become a totalitarian regime, and yet for terrorists, a dreamland to nest and breed and blow up peace and stability in South Asia and beyond.
The grave tragedy is that chilling facts as abduction, murder, rape, robbery and terrorism seem as conveniently shelved by the government. For most, the fear of torture and death has become the governing metaphor for survival.
The nature of ongoing negotiations between Maoists and Seven Party Alliance (SPA) government does not give the sense of a peace deal, but a trap of Maoists capturing the country.
Maoists’ assault on democracy resulted in their successful landing at the Prime Minister’s official residence. Still armed, they are crowned with political hat, except by the USA . Instead of getting punished for horrific crimes committed, they are now free, empowered by causing death to over 13,000 people and better organized for plotting center stage in politics.
Nepal faces very limited yet extremely difficult options if it is to get the chance of being a democratic and happy country. It is for its people to realize and decide.
While at negotiations, they have stepped up atrocities, accusing the government for prolonging peace talks and tactics diverting people’s attention to force the government to quickly meet their demands, principally taking seat in the government without disarming. Or else, they warned to takeover power in the style of Russia ’s October Revolution.
Based on stands taken by Maoists, the idea of constituent assembly (CA) is to declare Nepal a republic and peace negotiations to grab power without laying down arms. The intention is not negotiated settlement of conflict for coexistence of all, but finding means to takeover power. Monarchy may still be a savior, others they can overpower easily.
Observations to date show their pronouncing of democracy, human rights or press freedom was only to deceive people. They are for governing ruthlessly to enforce their diktat and ideology. Once securing power, their priority will be on buying arms and recruiting soldiers to fight counter insurgency against Maoism-Prachandanism, not on development or poverty reduction.
Major strategies applied by Maoists are strikingly similar with those of Pol Pot in Cambodia , e.g. abolition of monarchy and people’s democracy. It may be worth remembering that Pol Pot, after taking power, emerged as a ruthless dictator. He committed genocide and other brutal crimes. Also to note, Maoists’ crimes and terror in Nepal were carried out under Prachanda’s decree.
Maoists’ strategy of riding over social divides to acquire easy support was inherent to lead the country into pieces. Nepal ’s conflict, which grew on social divisions, is destined to breed new social explosions like dynamites and board on them to ruin the country and spread across the border.
Risk of spreading terrorism is real. The passage of contagion is well woven from Nepal to India to South America through networks of Maoists organizations and regional and international bodies — CCOMPOSA and RIM. Nepali Maoists can extend various supports to others as they had for sheltering, running guerrilla training and smuggling arms and explosives. For India , the situation looks vulnerable as it has been already affected by Maoists to a great extent.
Nepal provides perfect opening for rooting and snowballing of international terrorism in the Indian subcontinent with the falling of its large territory under Maoists’ control, long open border with India and suitable terrain to provide cover for terrorists.
The SPA agreeing to form a united front with Maoists was a blunder as the Maoists emerged clear winner out of it and scrapping of anti-terror law unjustifiable. Own mistakes have badly demoralized and weakened the Government’s negotiating position. It appears totally shaken by Maoists’ threat and pressure. Also, stage seems all set to accuse the government if negotiations fail even for the valid reasons. Thus it looks as prepared to surrender to Maoists demands. That would be simply committing political suicide.
It is irony Maoists talking of reforms. History is the testimony of totalitarians not allowing social, political and economic reforms based on people’s choice, but theirs. Sorry to say, Maoists’ takeover seems inevitable, a terrible blow to peace and freedom loving people.
Nepal faces very limited yet extremely difficult options if it is to get the chance of being a democratic and happy country. It is for its people to realize and decide.
Living under fear and force is no peace. The government must stand firm on its issues during the summit talks. Should not we be concerned with the assault on human dignity and face of Asia ?
Surya Dev works as a researcher for a humanitarian group in Kolkatta and can be reached at [email protected] ).
(Editor’s Note: Nepalis, wherever they live, as well as friends of Nepal around the globe are requested to contribute their views/opinions/recollections etc. on issues concerning present day Nepal to the Guest Column of Nepalnews. Length of the article should not be more than 1,000 words and may be edited for the purpose of clarity and space. Relevant photos as well as photo of the author may also be sent along with the article. Please send your write-ups to [email protected])