NT announces cash dividends for shareholders

May 2, 2011

The third annual general meeting of the Nepal Telecom (NT) on Monday decided to distribute cash dividends to its shareholders at the rate of Rs. 40 per share from its profit in the fiscal year 2066/67.

A press statement issued by NT said the net profit of the company has increased by 6 percent to Rs. 10.77 billion in the fiscal year 2066/67 while it was Rs. 10.17 billion the previous fiscal year.

Sushil Ghimire, chairman of the management committee of the company said, the profit increased by 4 percent to Rs. 71.83 per share while there was only Rs. 68.85 per share last year.

Similarly, the total assets of the company has also increased by 13.43 percent to Rs. 52.5 billion this year while there was Rs. 46.28 billion last fiscal year. nepalnews.com