After eleven leaders belonging to all the parties represented in the parliament made their remarks on the interim constitution, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Subas Nemwang has announced a brief half an hour of break following which clause-wise discussion will be held.
Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala is expected to make his statement after the House session resumes. The next session will not only pass the constitution but also dissolve itself and form a new interim parliament including representatives of the Maoists.
Meanwhile, at the end of the first session this morning, Law Minister Narendra Bikram Nemwang, addressing the parliament on behalf of Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, said that remarks made by the MPs would serve as guideline to the government.
Most of the MPs who addressed the parliament had called for several amendments in the interim parliament.
Speaking at the parliament, Surya Bahadur Thapa, president of Rastriya Janashakti Party (RJP), had said, “If this interim constitution is passed without any change, it will lay the groundwork for new kind of dictatorship.”