Over 100 Jana Aandolan activists arrested, released

January 2, 2007

Police arrested more than 100 activists, who were injured during the Jana Aandolan-II, from their protest programme Tuesday morning.

They were arrested while organising a sit-in protest in front of the main gate of Singha Durbar, the main administrative seat of the country, demanding medical treatment to those injured the pro-democracy movement in April 2006. They also demanded that the government immediately announce the date for constituent assembly election.

As area is restricted for mass gathering and rallies, police rounded up the protesters before they could formally start their sit-in at around 10 a.m.. Those arrested have been detained at Mahendra Police Club and Ward Police Office in Naya Baneshwor.

All the arrested protesters were released at around 3:00 pm.

They had also organised sit-in in front of Prime Minister’s official residence in Baluwatar on Monday.

Meanwhile, the Tribhuvan University Employee Association padlocked all administrative offices of the University protesting the use of force in their protest programme on Monday.

More than 20 officials were injured when police used force in their sit-in in front of Singha Durbar, demanding immediate fulfillment of the vacant post of Vice-Chancellor and other top posts of the university.

The Masters Level second year exam was delayed due to the protest of the officials. They warned they would obstruct the exams if police use excessive force in their protest programme.

They stated that they would not open the locks until the government provided compensation and return materials seized from them.

Similarly, the Civic Movement for Peace and Democracy is organizing sit-in at the southern gate of Singha Durbar protesting the arrest of civil society members from a sit-in protest in Baluwatar on Tuesday and demanding early promulgation of the interim constitution.

Police arrested 63 civil society activists from outside the Prime Minister’s residence Baluwatar against the delay in promulgating the interim constitution and fixing the date for constituent assembly polls.