Media experts and professionals have stressed on the need for timely reform in laws and policies relating to media and communications.
Participants in the interaction programme concerning laws and policies in the field of media, Monday, June 0407.
Speaking during a discussion organised by the Freedom Forum in the capital on Monday, government officials, senior journalists, media professionals and activists, as well as professionals in the advertising business and cable television operators said media policies and laws should be able to address the problems faced by media personnel.
Rajendra Nepal, under-secretary at the Ministry of Information and Communications informed the participants about necessary amendments made by the government in various media related laws and regulations last year.
According to him, the government amended 14 media related laws and regulations covering broadcasting, radio licensing, telecommunications, postal services, motion pictures and press council. He said another one dozen laws are in line for amendments.
Nepal said the government has not been able to implement the recommendation made by Radheshyam Adhikari commission.
Journalist Harihar Birahi accused the government of not being serious towards resolving the problems that the media sector has been facing.
General secretary of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) Mahendra Bista asked the government to amend the Right to Information bill before passing it.