Parliament should promulgate the interim constitution: Speaker Nemwang

June 18, 2006

Speaker of the House of Representatives Subash Nembang (File photo)
Speaker of the House of Representatives Subash Nembang has said that the forthcoming interim constitution should be promulgated through parliament.

Speaking at the National Council meeting of Press Chautari Nepal, Nembang said that all decisions like the enforcement of interim constitution and announcing the date of Constituent Assembly polls should be made public through parliament.

He further said that the nation has got a clear political course after the summit of the seven-party alliance (SPA) and the Maoists agreed to frame an interim statute, form an interim government and declare the date for election to a constituent assembly.

On Friday, top leaders from seven-party alliance and Maoists had agreed to draft an interim constitution, dissolve both parliament and Maoist local bodies.

Meanwhile speaking at another programme entitled “Citizens’ Initiatives for Future-2” organised by over a dozen organisations at Tribhuvan University, Nemwang said the election to the constituent assembly would be inclusive and would decide the fate of the monarchy.

Speaking at the programme, Nepali Congress central leader Narahari Acharya said the views expressed by NC president and PM Girija Prasad Koirala did not reflect the party’s stance on monarchy.

Dev Gurung, a member of the Maoist talks team, said that election to constituent assembly would provide the people an opportunity to exercise their sovereign rights.

He, however, added the political parties, Maoists and civil society which would exercise the people’s sovereign rights during the transitional period until a new constitution is made after the constituent assembly election.

Coordinator of Ceasefire and Code of Conduct National Monitoring Committee, Devendra Raj Panday, said that the future of the country lay in a federal system along with a democratic republic set-up.