Snubbed by govt, former King leaves for New Delhi to attend kin’s marriage

February 25, 2009

Former King Gyanendra Shah left for the Indian capital New Delhi on Wednesday to attend the wedding ceremony of his cousin.

Former King Gyanendra Shah at Tribhuvan International Airport before leaving for India to attend a family wedding on Wednesday, February 25, 2009.

Former King Gyanendra Shah at Tribhuvan International Airport before…
Reports say that Shah along with his wife – former queen Komal Shah – including other relatives took a regular Jet Airways flight to New Delhi at 3:45 pm.

From New Delhi the former royal couple are to head to Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh state where the marriage ceremony is taking place.

This is the first foreign trip by the former King as an ordinary citizen since the abolition of monarchy from Nepal nine months ago.

A daughter of Late King Tribhuwan was married off to the royal family in Madhya Pradesh. Her son’s wedding is taking place in Bhopal.

Reports also say that the request made by the former king for a diplomatic passport for the trip was flatly rejected by the government. Feb 25 09