Geological survey to be conducted along the Himalayas

September 16, 2006

Geologists from Nepal, China, India and Bhutan will make a month-long comprehensive investigation into the ecosystem and economic development of the Hilamalayas region, a newspaper report said.

China daily quoted the Chinese Academy of Sceinces (CAS) as saying that joint scientific expedition by 16 teams through the Himalayas will start in the middle of next month.

The scientific trek will start from Lhasa, over the northern bend and through the southern, with a vertical distance of more than 5,000 metres in altitude, the daily reported.

“Evidence of plate movement lies only in the southern bend,” Liu Jiaqi, a leading geologist in China said. He said the expedition will probably provide a key to the mystery of the rise of the Himalayas.

The scientists will also try to analyze the impact of the two different ecosystems – the ice-covered northern face of the Himalayas and some tropical climatic features in the southern bend with more human habitation – upon the indigenous climate during the expedition.

Sociologists will also join these teams to study local culture, economy, religion and environmental protection practices in the region.

The team will prepare maps of geology and ecosystem of the Himalayas based on the findings of the research.

The Himalaya is the world’s highest and youngest mountain belt with the extension of about 2,400 km east to west. It includes the world’s highest Mt Everest, the attraction of mountaineers from around the world.