Though there has been various programmes about the election of the constituent assembly in the capital and other city centers, a random opinion poll has shown that most of the people are not aware about the election of the constituent assembly.
A random opinion poll on the constituent assembly elections in Nepal conducted by Nepal International Electoral Forum (NIEFO) said that seventy one percent of the respondents among the illiterate groups said that they are not aware about the CA election. Majority of the ethnic groups, 64 % also said that they are not aware about the CA election.
The random opinion poll was conducted in 31 municipalities covering major towns such as Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Pokhara, Biratnagar, Nepalgunj, Palpa, Dipayal and others.
“Altogether 1860 questionnaires were completed by enumerators during the survey which was targeted to six different groups for a wider representation of all sections of the Nepalese society. The six target groups are – political groups, professional groups (Engineers, doctors, teachers etc.), students, farmers, ethnic groups and illiterate groups,” a press release issued by the NIEFO said.
Technical understanding about CA election also follows the same pattern. Thirty one percent farmers, 32 percent ethnic groups and 46 percent illiterate groups are ignorant about the technical aspects of the CA election. They don’t know the differences between this election and past elections held in Nepal, the opinion poll result said.
Majority of the respondents, 60% have expected peace from the Constituent Assembly elections, followed by 31% who expect full democracy from the CA election.
Seventy percent respondents expressed the view that Nepalese living in other countries should get a chance to vote at the CA election.
The result further said, majority of the respondents, 63%, have said that the reinstalled House of Representatives will be supportive to the CA elections. More than 42% respondents said that there should be new Voters registration.
As the debate is ongoing on whether Maoist arms be managed before the election of the constituent assembly, 46% respondents said that the Maoist party has to be disarmed under the supervision of the United Nations before the election for free and fair election.
The Maoists and the ruling seven party alliance has agreed to go for the election of the constituent assembly to give peaceful outlet of the Maoist insurgency.