Members of the reinstated House of Representatives have urged the House to set up a parliamentary panel to help the government “restructure” the media sector and settle the problems faced by journalists.
House of Representatives
House of Representatives (File Photo)
They also demanded the government effectively implement the Working Journalists’ Act 1995 in order to secure jobs for journalists and also demanded promulgation of the Right to Information Act.
Nepali Congress Democratic lawmaker Hom Nath Dahal tabled a motion regarding the issue in Tuesday’s session of the House of Representatives.
“The House must play its role in developing media as per the spirit of the House Proclamation,” Dahal said.
Dahal also claimed that safeguarding the rights of individual journalists was essential for the development of the field of media. He informed that only 2,000 out of 5,000 journalists have received appointment letters and most are not getting a regular salary.
CPN-UML lawmaker Raghuji Pant accused the government of doing nothing for the media though, according to him, they had played a crucial role in toppling the royal regime. He demanded the government effectively implement the journalists’ act and promulgate the Right to Information Act.
He also demanded the House bring the state-owned radio and television under the parliament.
MP Purna Bahadur Khadka demanded the government provide welfare advertisement to all newspapers.
Lawmakers Kamala Pant, Ram Kumar Chaudhary, Sabitri Bogati Pathak and Hari Bhakta Adhikari of NC demanded immediate action to resolve the problems faced by journalists.
Responding to MPs queries, Minister of State for Information, Dilendra Prasad Badu, said the government had set up a commission to find out areas in the information sector where reforms can be made.