The District Administration Office (DAO) in Jhapa has banned all kinds of demonstrations by the Bhutanese refugees outside their camps from Tuesday, a report said.
According to, the Bhutanese news portal run by exiles, the action was taken by the local administration after the refugees launched series of demonstrations demanding the cancellation of UNHCR’s plan to settle 16 ‘vulnerable’ refugees in the US and Canada.
The demonstrations by the refugees have disrupted transportation along the Mahendra Highway several times in the recent days.
The report said that the decision has been taken as per the requests of civil society leaders of the local community and in agreement with the UNHCR. The DAO banned the movement of refugees out of camps.
The DAO sent a circular to the Refugee Coordination Units in all the camps directing that refugees should not be allowed to leave the camps. Following the order, movement of people in camps have been closely observed.
Though there is provision of ‘out pass’ for the refugees if they want to go out of camps for the past two years, the people rarely use the facility. The administration has also asked the refugees to limit their demonstrations within the camp premises.
UNHCR has recently announced that 16 refugees will be taken to the US and Canada. Refugees and their leaders have been opposing the decision saying it was an attempt of the agency and the government of Nepal not to repatriate them to their country. The refugees say the only solution of the crisis should be repatriation.