Maoists abduct two in Banke

July 2, 2006

In clear violation of their public commitment and code of conduct signed with the government, Maoists abducted two locals of Hirminiya Village Development Committee (VDC) in Banke district Tuesday night, and beat them up severely, accusing the duo of robbery and murder, a newspaper report said on Sunday.

The abducted are Hemant kumar Thapa, who is physically challenged and a cancer patient, and Jayalal Mahut.

The Kathmandu Post daily quoted their families as saying that they were innocent.

The Maoists have alleged that Thapa was involved in the death of a teacher who was killed by robbers in a fight between them and villagers in Bageshwor VDC Tuesday night.

All the villagers, relatives and family members, including Maoists activists from Hirminiaya, have been urging the Maoists to release Thapa immediately, the paper adds.