Maoists force school students to participate in victory rallies

November 10, 2006

Though Maoists signed an accord with the ruling seven party alliance to join the politics of competition leaving the politics of arms, they are still continuing the politics of fear.

Maoists forced school children in Ithari of eastern Nepal to take part in the victory rally to celebrate the success of the peace talks.

Most participants of Thursday’s rally were students with textbooks in their school bags, The Himalayan Times daily quoted teachers of the school as saying. The children were shouting slogans with party flags in their hands.

Local intellectuals have denounced the move as unjust on the part of the Maoists, who have agreed to join mainstream politics.

A local teacher Jyoti Koirala said political parties should not involve in school politics, adding, “Students, too, should understand politics but their direct involvement should be discouraged.”

Maoists’ Itahari secretary Jagadish Sapkota, however, claimed nobody was forced to participate in the rally.

Meanwhile, Maoists organised a victory rally in Gaighat to mark the historic success of the peace talks. Students in significant numbers participated in the rally.

Maoists have been using children in rallies and other political activities despite repeated requests from child rights organizations not to do so. The ceasefire code of conduct and various accords reached between the ruling seven party alliance and Maoists prohibits such forceful acts but Maoists seemed indifferent towards it.