Pro-UML student union All Nepal National Free Student Union (ANNFSU) has warned that it will retaliate if the Maoist affiliated student union, All Nepal National Independent Student Union Revolutionary (ANNISU-R) kept attacking them.
Speaking at a press conference in the capital Thursday, chairman of ANNFSU, Thakur Gaire also called on the ANNISU (R) to present themselves politically.
The warning came following the clash between students affiliated to two student unions in Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus of the capital.
The ANNFSU leader also welcomed the historic agreement between the ruling alliance and the Maoists. But, Gaire charged that the Maoists have technically accepted the constitutional monarchy by rejecting the UML’s proposal to decide the fate of the monarchy through a referendum.
The recently held central meet of the student union has also demanded to immediately fill the vacant post of university office bearers.
The pro-UML organization has also decided to launch organizational, educational and republican campaigns in the coming days to consolidate its organization.