Various organizations have welcomed the agreement reached between the ruling seven party alliance SPA and Maoists.
The Nepalese Democratic Youth Council in USA (NDYC-USA) welcomed the historic agreement reached between the SPA and the Maoists on Tuesday.
A press statement issued by the NDY-USA, said, “We strongly believe that the agreement lays a foundation for long-lasting solution to Nepal ’s major problems including the fate of monarchy and the eleven year old Maoist insurgency. “
The statement however said that Nepal ’s peace process is not completely out of danger yet. On the one hand, the regressive forces are predicted to become active to try to produce a rift between the SPA and the Maoists and thus, could well hamper the implementation of the agreement.
The statement further said, “We would like to urge the SPA, the Maoists and all concerned parties to be vigilant against the activities of the regressive forces. On the other hand, the Maoist true intentions are also on the test.”
The statement also urged the Maoist leadership to immediately take actions against their militia’s atrocities.
Nepali Janasamparka Samitee Japan has also welcomed the agreement between the SPA and Maoists.
A press release issued by the Samitee also thanked all Nepali people across the country and abroad for their role played for the success of Jana Andolan (People’s movement) and making the agreement possible.
Stating that some reactionary forces might try to make the agreement a failure, the statement also urged all Nepali to be cautious from such forces.
The statement also expressed the hope that the agreement will fulfill Nepalese people’s aspiration for sustainable peace in the country.
Meanwhile issuing a press statement the Garment Association Nepal also hailed the agreement and stressed the need of proper implementation of the agreement.