Nepathya to perform at India Social Forum

November 11, 2006

Nepathya has been invited by India Social Forum to perform at the closing of this year’s meet in New Delhi on the 13th of Nov.

The Indian chapter of World Social Forum – India Social Forum is happening in New Delhi. It started on 9th and will go on till 13th of November 2006. The main theme for this year’s meet is-Asia Africa Solidarity.

The Forum is taking place at the Jawalahar Lal Neharu Stadium in New Delhi and Nepathya is scheduled to perform at the closing plenary of the forum on the 13th of November.

The theme for the India Social Forum is proposed to be: BUILDING ANOTHER WORLD: VISIONS FOR THE FUTURE. It focuses on engendering dialogue, optimism and hope, by creating a space that will enable a greater mobilization of resources for an alternative future – within Asia and Africa. An estimated 60,000 people are expected to participate from various parts of the world, representing diverse movements and organizations.

The spirit of ISF cultural performance is to learn, to enjoy and to be uplifted. It is part of the experience of both learning and participating in the traditions of World Social Forum.

“We are honoured to receive such invitation to be part of the Forum.” says Amrit Gurung the front man of Nepathya.

The ISF is the third event to be organised by World Social Forum-India after the Asia Social Forum in Hyderabad (January, 2003) and World Social Forum in Mumbai (January, 2004).