Speaker of the reinstated House of Representatives (HoR), Subhash Chandra Nemwang has said that the new Constitution to be drafted through the Constituent Assembly should be inclusive and it should address the participation of all the indigenous communities and nationalities in the governance system.
Speaker Subash Chandra Nemwang taking oath of office and secrecy at the parliament house Wednesday. nepalnews.com/rh
Speaker Subash Nemwang (File photo)
Speaking at a programme entitled ‘New structure of the state in the Constituent Assembly and Interim Constitution’ Nemwang said the government was committed to implementing the eight-point agreement reached with the Maoists and expediting the process of going for constituent assembly elections.
Nemwang further said that the HoR was not reinstated for a long time, adding, “The HoR wants to make the ongoing dialogue a success and hold elections to a constituent assembly at the earliest.”
Speaking on the occasion, member of the Maoist talks team Dev Gurung said loktantra could not be ensured unless people are given the right to carve out the country’s future on their own.
Gurung said that the HoR should be dissolved at the earliest and replaced with a new government that includes representatives of all political parties as well as the Maoists and civil society.
Speaking at the same programme, Minister for Land Reforms and Management Prabhu Narayan Chaudhary said the Constituent Assembly would decide whether or not to keep the monarchy.