Legal experts demand for interim Supreme Constitutional Court to look after constitutional issues

July 10, 2006

Legal experts have urged the Interim Constitution Drafting Committee to form an interim legislative and judicial system to run the interim government before holding elections to a Constituent Assembly.

Speaking at a programme in the capital on Sunday, advocate Bharat Raj Uprety urged the Committee to form an interim Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) with ‘dynamic’ judges to look into all constitutional issues during the interim period.

He said the Supreme Court should settle all old cases while the new constitutional issues should be settled by the interim SCC.

There has been debate over whether the Supreme Court has the authority to test the constitutionality of the house decisions, after the reinstated House of Representatives declared itself supreme.

The members of the committee, including chairman Aryal, on Sunday held a meeting at the office of the Nepal Bar Association (NBA) and sought suggestions from lawyers on the interim constitution.

Speaking at the same programme, advocate Hari Prasad Uprety urged the committee not to prolong the tenure of the current HoR.

Advocate Mukti Pradhan claimed that the House does not have a fresh mandate and as such it should be dissolved and an alternative body that exercises all legislatives powers should be formed.

The Interim Constitution Drafting Committee is holding discussions with people from various walks of life about the interim constitution.