Civil society movement not for power, says Pahadi

November 13, 2006

A leading activist of civil society movement has said that they are not interested to join interim government or parliament.

“On principle, civil society movement is not for any power. In fact, our Civil Society Movement for Peace and Democracy has already decided not to accept power and position,” Krishna Pahadi, a human rights activist and civil society leader told Nepal FM. He was responding to reports of bickering among seven parties and the Maoists regarding the nomination of 48 members of interim parliament from among civil society.

“We have clearly said that our aim is larger – we want peace and democratic republic,” Pahadi said. “We have told political leaders that if they want to express gratitude to our efforts during democratic movement, they could give us these two things.”

Pahadi also advised the political parties to nominate maximum number of women and people from disadvantaged groups at the interim parliament.