RJP suggests for full sovereignty in interim constitution

July 13, 2006

The Rastriya Janashakti Party (RJP), has suggested to the Interim Constitution Drafting Committee to arrange for making the people fully sovereign in the interim constitution.

In its suggestions, the RJP said the sprit of the interim statute should be to consolidate popular sovereignty in conformity with democratic measures and procedures.

The RJP also suggested a mixed model electoral system for the constituent assembly elections where 75 representatives are elected from the 75 districts, while 230 others are elected under a proportional representative system.

The RJP has called for one representative for every 100,000 voters.

RJP has also suggested that political parties be entitled to appoint 30 representatives from among professionals.

The RJP also suggested that the Ethnic Assembly, a new name for National Assembly be made as powerful as House of Representatives.

On the political front, the party has suggested an end to the current centralised system by going for devolution of political power which would demand dividing the country into zonal regions between 15 to 20.

The RJP also suggested to include necessary provisions for the reservation of positions and opportunities for backward sections of society so as to make democracy more inclusive and end discrimination of all sorts.