Inmates vandalize and torch Parasi jail

July 26, 2006

Inmates of Parasi jail in the south-western district of Nawalparasi have vandalized and torched the jail demanding general amnesty to all the detainees.

Three inmates and one policeman were injured during the scuffle between the police and the detainees after they started vandalizing the jail.

The detainees threw bricks and stones, and the police used seven rounds of blank fire to take the situation under control.

The detainees started the agitation saying the jail administration failed to address their demands including amnesty to detainees and to meet with the representatives of prison reform committee, among others.

The situation became more tensed after the jail administration asked the help of armed police force (APF) to take the situation under control.

Quoting police sources, reports said that APF cordoned the jail to check the detainees from fleeing. There are 38 detainees in the jail.

Detainees of various prisons protested demanding their amnesty after the new government took control and released Maoist detainees to create conducive environment for talks.