Two Maoist cadres shot at in Siraha

July 30, 2006

As the row between the Maoists and the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) is increasing, JTMM cadres shot two Maoist cadres in Siraha district on Friday night.

According to reports, two Maoist cadres were seriously injured during the incident. Ram Udgar Yadav, a resident of Pipraprapi VDC-4 (Siraha) and Raj Kumar Singh, a resident of Jamuwa-6 were injured in the attack.

Yadav is a member of the Maoists’ Siraha area no-3 and Singh was a former active member of the Maoists.

Yadav, who sustained a bullet injury in his right arm, is undergoing treatment in Lahan hospital. Singh has sustained injuries in his head and body.

Reports quoted Yadav as saying that nine armed activists of the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha dragged him out of bed and shot at him. He said he saved himself by escaping while injured.