Senior Maoist Rebel Surrenders

August 27, 2000

Kathmandu, Aug.27: Insurgent Maoists’  Chief Political Commissar of Bajura district and two associates surrendered before the district administration in Martadi Friday, Chief District Officer Krishna Prasad Paudel said. Ram Bahadur Shahi,24, surrendered with his associates Devi Lal Sunar,24 and a teenager Pandu Sen.

Several deserters from the guerrilla group have told authorities that the rebels are slaughtering cows in areas under their control and forcing people to eat the meat. Cow slaughter is banned in the world’s only Hindu kingdom. The insurgents have been waging what they call a people’s war to establish a communist state in the kingdom.

More than 1400 persons have been killed or are missing in the protracted internal conflict that has hampered development work and caused civil strife. Deputy Prime Minister Ram Chandra Paudel is visiting five districts most affected by the insurgency before the holiday season with a relief package.

London-based human rights organisation Amnesty International and the government have accused the rebels for illegally recruiting children in their campaign against the government– a claim denied by party strongman Comrade Prachanda in a recent rebuttal.