Journalists’ emphasis should be positve, says Singh

January 29, 2000

Kathmandu, Jan. 29:Minister for Supplies Prakashman Singh gave way certificates to the trainees of a basic photo journalism and photography training amid a function organised here today by the Nepal Photo Journalists Association.

On the occasion Minister Singh   said that the journalists give emphasis to positive aspects of the things they deal with.

General secretary of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists Taranath Dahal speaking about photo copy right, pointed out the need to make the department of information of His Majesty’s Government  and the rss more effective for the upliftment of this sector.

President of the FNJ suresh Acharya said  the fnj has been pressurising the hmg for the development of photo journalism, but any outcome is not seen around the corner so far.

Advisor to the Photo Journalists Association and editor of the Deshaya Maru Jhya weekly Pradip Man Shrestha  expressed dissatisfaction with the negligence of the concerned sectors towards ensuring copy right for photo.

President of the Photo Journalists Association and chairman of the function Niyam Raj Shrestha  laid emphasis on the need to collect news  together  with  taking photographs.

At the training held from Push 20 to Magh 6,  21 trainees had taken part in the photo journalism and photography .

The training was conducted by instructors Niyam Raj Shrestha, Bikash Rauniyar, Javed Shah, Navin Shrestha and Miss Sangita Lama.