Renounce wrong path adopted by religion

January 6, 2000

Kathmandu, Jan. 6: General secretary of Bharatiya Arya Pratinidhisabha and chairman of the Bonded Liberation Front Swami Agnivesh has spoken of the need for all religions to move ahead by regarding the whole of humanity as a family.

Speaking at a seminar on “Religions for Social Justice” organised by the Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC) here today, Mr Agnivesh stressed that we should renounce the wrong path adopted by religions for thousands of years and engage in human welfare.

There is no word called “Hindu” in Veda and religions should link people rather than break them, he said, adding casteism, untouchability and gender inequality should be removed from Hindu religion.

Monk Gyanpoorna of World Peace Vihar said religion without justice is no religion and spoke of the need to shun religious bigotry.

Various other speakers including chairman of the Nepal Arya Samaj Gokul Pokharel, chairman of the Ittehad Association Nazir Miyan, chairman of the Anubrat Samaj Hulas Chand Golchha, literatteur Modnath Prashrit also spoke at the function chaired by INSEC advisor Birendra Keshari Pokherel.