More court cases pending than are cleared

March 31, 2000

Kathmandu, Mar. 31:Out of a total 133,899 cases filed at the Supreme Court, Appellate Courts and districts courts in the country, 57,282 cases have been cleared while 76,617 are still pending.

According to the annual report for Fy 1998/99 published by the Supreme Court, among 4,293 writ petitions filed at the apex court, 1,280 have been cleared while 3,031 are pending.

Similarly, 1,414 out of 8,675 appeal have been cleared while 7,261 are pending, l05  review petitions have been cleared and 438 are pending, 2,280  petitions for repetition have been cleared and 4,560 are still left, and among 402 petitions for approval for appeal 219 have been finalized and 183 are pending.

Likewise, among 3,296 writ petitions filed at appellate courts, 2,049 have been cleared while 1,247 are pending, and out of 26,237 cases under origional jurisdiction and right to appeal 11,026 have been finalized and 15,211 are pending.

Similarly, out of 52,338 cases of defraudment 23,884 have been settled while 28,454 are pending and out of  31,197 criminal cases 15,056 have been finalizes and 16,144 are still pending, according to the report.