Kathmandu, June 23: During Special Time at the House of Representatives today, various MPs drew the attention of the House on various current issues including law and order, food crisis, landslide, soil erosion, labour agitation, air services, etc.
Dr. Gopal Koirala of the Nepali Congress, who was the first Speaker today, called for resolving the problems caused by Ratuwa stream at various VDCs of Jhapa district and sought information on the manhandling of the employees of forest office by agitated mob following the death of Ravi Upreti of constituency No. 2 Goldhap after he was alleged to have been involved in the theft of timber.
Badri Prasad Mandal of the Nepal Sadbhavana Party expressed resentment over the indifference of the employees stir at the Biratnagar Jute Mill though the matter was often raised in the House and demanded ruling from the Speaker to ask the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supplies to clarify the matter.
Prem Bahadur Singh of the CPN-UML drew the attention of the government towards the food crisis at various districts including Kalikot, Mugu, Humla, Dolpa, Bajhang, Bajura, and Darchula of the far-western region and suggested that relief assistance be provided to the people of Bajhang district hit hard by the recent floods.
Omprasad Ojha also of the CPN-UML said that as the policy of clearance of irregularities of the local bodies were impractical, necessary machinery should be constituted in this regard and drew the attention of the concerned authority towards immediately sanctioning the money meant for development budget and salary of the civic bodies.
Chandra Bahadur Shahi of the same party alleged that the mid-western region had been suffering from Maoists, police administration, flood and landslides, hailstones and food crisis but the government was not sensitive in this connection and demanded the provision of night stoppage of planes at Nepalgunj to make air services in the hilly districts of the western region credible.
Janak Raj Giri of the Nepali Congress drew the attention of the concerned authorities towards the food and medicine crisis in the remote region and demanded that the killers of a youth of Dahakot VDC, Bajura district at Safebagar of Achham district be found and stern action taken against them.