MPs concerned over Maoist problem

June 17, 2000

Kathmandu, June 17: MPs of both the treasury and opposition benches at the meeting of the House of Representatives today expressed concern over the Maoists problem and the deteriorating law and order situation in the country.

Hom Nath Dahal of Nepali Congress spoke at length about the assaults, bomb explosions and violence unleashed by the Maoists in different parts of the country and pointed out the need for concerted effort to grapple with this grave problem.

Dr. Gopal Koirala of the same party referred to the terrorist activities perpetrated by some persons at Morang Constituency No. 6.

Birodha Khatiwada of CPN-UML demanded that the government explain the delay of over 72 hours in bringing help following the maoist attack at Panchkatiya, Jajarkot.

Rajendra Kharel of Nepali Congress said that the country is under threat from the Maoists insurgency and the forces behind them should be identified as they favour Republican ideology. He suggested holding talks with them without compromising on the issues of constitutional monarchy and democracy.

Prakash Bahadur Gurung of the same party observed that all should condemn the terrorist activities in view of the sensitiveness of the law and order situation in the country. He further opined that a congenial atmosphere can not be created as long as there is a tendency towards brutal murder.

Sherdhan Rai of CPN-UML drew the attention of the government to the arbitrary transfer for employees at the Higher Secondary Education Council and the arbitrary appointment of people on contract or on temporary basis.

Til Kumar Menyonbo said the Mechi Truck Entrepreneurs Association is creating unnecessary hassles for other truck entrepreneurs in collusion with the CDO.

Prior to the discussion on the appropriation bill, Dr. Dilliraj Khanal of CPN-UML took time from the speaker and said that statistics on revenue and deficit differed between the economic survey for fiscal year 2055/56 and the budget statement differed and called on the National Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance to ensure consistency in statistics while laying out budgets in future.

Gokarna Bista of the same party complained that a budget of Rs. 10 million earmarked for the Tourism Development Board was not clear as to how it would be allocated to the districts.

Speaker Ranabhat, thereafter, issued a ruling to the concerned minister to come up with corrections in the budget at the next meeting of the House.