House body meet held

June 9, 2000

Kathmandu, June 9: The House of Representatives Public Accounts Committee (PAC) met the other day under the chairmanship of committee chairman Subash Chandra Nemwang.

During discussions on the purchase of the press machine by the department of printing, it was found that the director general bought the machine directly from a company without fulfilling the criteria mentioned in the financial administration regulations and against the PAC directives.

Similarly, as the director general tried to keep the committee in the dark by not informing it of various decisions taken by itself in the past and as it went against the directives of the Ministry of Information and Communications, he has been directed to respond to the committee within two months and the Council of Ministers has been also directed to have the agreement reached with the company abrogated and to purchase the machine in a transparent manner.

Also in the other day, World Bank (WB) vice president Jules Muis and WB country director Hans Rothenbuller met the chairman and members of the PAC and discussed the need of getting the foreign aid and grant funds audited by the Department of Auditor general, making transparent the process of public income and expenditure, controlling widespread corruption and irregularity, and implementing the resolutions on commissions passed at parliament.