Dhanghadi, May 20: Kamaiyas of Geta VDC Kailali continued their sit-in at the district administration office for the eighth consecutive day yesterday remaining firm in their demands for various rights including entitlement to minimum wage fixed by the government for agricultural labourers.
Following discussions among the representatives of the NGOs advocating Kamaiya rights, the landlord in question-Shiva Raj Pant, the DDC chairman and the district administration, the district administration registered the petition of the kamaiyas and later on forwarded it to the labour office, Dhangadhi. But the labour office also referred the case to Geta VDC thereby leaving the fate of the kamaiyas still undecided.
The NGO representatives joining the kamaiyas in their struggle are committed not to allowing the struggle to fizzle out. They are of the conviction that if this struggle came to a happy conclusion, it would serve as a precedence for the liberation of all kamaiyas in the days to come.
Talking to RSS, landlord Shiva Raj Pant said “I am also in favour of the abolition of bonded labour system. But I wonder why I am singled out in this matter.”
The Labour Act 2048 B.S., Local Self-Governance Act 2055 B.S. and the relevant government decisions have clearly authorized the local bodies—VDCs and Municipalities— to ensure the implementation of the provision regarding agricultural workers’ minimum wage and monitor the implementation status. The local bodies are also authorized to receive complaints in this regard and take necessary decision.
Meanwhile, those who will be affected by the abolition of bonded labour system and some others are accusing the NGOs involved in the kamaiya struggle of using kamaiyas as a weapon to serve their interest, while the NGOs are complaining that the administration is turning a deaf ear to the voices of the kamaiyas and shirking their responsibility.
The NGOs expressing solidarity with the kamaiyas are contacting various political parties seeking their reaction and support to the kamaiya struggle and collecting donations to provide relief to the striking kamaiyas.
A main committee with economic, publicity, management and rapid action sub committees under it has been formed to continue the struggle in an organised manner. Various political parties have, in the meantime, come up with their reactions to the kamaiya struggle. CPN-ML, National People’s Front, CPN-Marxist and United People’s Front Nepal have appealed to the kamaiyas to organize themselves and fight their own battle without getting misled by the NGOs.
While, CPN-UML, Kailali district committee has issued a press release demanding complete abolition of bonded labour system. Should the government indifference to the kamaiya problems continue, CPN-UML will also join the kamaiyas in their struggle, the party said.