Kathmandu, May 16: Health Minister Dr. Ram Baran Yadav has said that His Majesty’s Government has established policies and is developing mechanisms to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of priority public health measures and essential curative services based on the guiding principles of primary health care.
Dr. Yadav said this in his address to the 53rd session of the World Health Conference in Geneva today.
Recognizing the role of the private and NGO sectors in this effort, His Majesty’s Government is encouraging their participation, and exploring mechanisms by which this may be achieved, he said.
Stating that Nepal has adopted health policy framework which will result in improved performance of the health system, he said this is being accomplished through strengthening health service delivery; decentralization; improving the public private mix; and strengthening health sector management.
While emphasizing the provision of “Essential Services” His Majesty’s Government has recognized that referral services cannot be ignored, Dr. Yadav said, adding that towards that end, strategies are being developed to: ensure the quality and cost effectiveness of such services; encourage the private sector to play a major role in their funding and provision and establish a “Safety Net” to ensure that the needy and underprivileged will not be deprived of necessary services because of their inability to pay.
He also said that special emphasis has been placed on strengthening management systems for human resources, finance, information, quality assurance, drugs and medical supplies, logistics and physical assets management.
Critical to the improving health sector performance is decentralization and increased community participation, he said, adding in implementing decentralization His Majesty’s Government is striking the necessary balance between: devolution of authority and responsibility; capacity building necessary to effectively exercise authority and take responsibility; and ensuring that center can ensure the implementation of national health policies.
Stating that as is the case with other “least developed countries” Nepal requires support from its development partners, Health Minister Dr. Yadav said too often this support has been provided in a fragmented fashion, which leads to inefficient use of resources and a distortion of sectoral priorities.
To reverse this trend His Majesty’s Government with the support of its development partners is developing a medium term strategic plan and financing framework as the basis for joint programming and planning, he said.