Task force formed to collect opinions on budget

May 4, 2000

Kathmandu May 4: A task force headed by President of Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) Pradip Kumar Shrestha has been formed to collect the opinions of the business entrepreneurs in connection with the budget for the fiscal year 2057/58.

The task force, which also looks forward to submit recommendations to the government about the problems faced by the businessmen was formed following the decision taken by the joint meeting of FNCCI office bearers and others from the District Chambers of Commerce on Tuesday.

The task force will provide suggestions on the problems faced by the industrialists related with revenue and it is also going to study and solve the problems which may arise after the budget is announced, an FNCCI press release stated.

Shrestha urged the industrialists and businessmen to become united in order to resolve the problems faced by the business community.

Former FNCCI President Mahesh Lal Pradhan expressed worries over the deplorable condition of the industrial sector.

First Vice President of FNCCI Ravi Bhakta Shrestha said that the suggestions proposed by the private sectors must be valued by the government.