118 Maoists confirmed dead, other details

November 16, 2002

Security forces shot dead at least 118 Maoists in shoot-outs with Maoists in Jumla and Gorkha Thursday as 300 other rebels are also feared dead, the Defence Ministry and other reports said Friday.

Bodies of 63 insurgents have been recovered so far in Gorkha and 55 in Jumla Friday. Radio Nepal Friday quoted a security official who fled captivity in Jumla as saying 300 more rebels were killed in Jumla during a seven hour gun battle that began at 10.30 PM Thursday.

Rebels using automatic weapons stolen from the army carried away their dead in bamboo baskets and bamboo slings, the Radio quoted the soldier as saying.

Rebels first attacked Jumla airport and then two police establishments and other government offices at district headquarters.

Sixty security personnel were killed in Jumla and Gorkha, a revised casualty list said. Thirty-three policemen and four soldiers died in Jumla and 23 policemen in Gorkha where earlier reports said 24 policemen were killed.

Chief District Officer of Jumla Damodar Pant and two civilians died in the rebel assault on Jumla, Radio Nepal said.

Security forces recovered four SLRs, seven 303 rifles, shotguns, explosives, bullets and spares of automatic weapons in Jumla, the Defence Ministry said.

After a flying inspection visit, IGP Pradip SJB Rana told Nepal Television a company of the Royal Nepalese Army fought bravely in Jumla to save district headquarters. “They fought bravely from one position and saved district headquarters,” he said.

Rebels decamped with Rs.1.9 million in cash and ornaments worth Rs.1.7 million stolen from the Rashtriya Banijya Bank, he said.

Night vision helicopters were deployed in Jumla and Gorkha inflicting heavy losses on the Maoists. Rebels fled with captured 303 rifles in Gorkha, police said.