When will KMC be freed of dog feces?

March 23, 2019

KATHMANDU: While most of the districts in remote and urban areas are declared free defecation zone, Kathmandu Valley is still littered with the feces of pet dogs.

The roads and streets in the valley are foul with the excreta of dogs much to the chagrin of morning walkers.

Civilized urban people in the valley walk their dogs to the streets and roads in the morning and let them defecate on the walls and doors of neighbors’ houses without hesitation, thereby polluting the environment, a report in Gorkhapatra said.

The problem will remain the same unless the dog owners themselves become aware of it, said Raj Luitel, manager of The Kennel Club, Kalanki.

‘Dogs have no fault in it, but their owners.”

There are around 20,000 pet dogs in the Kathmandu Metropolitan City with 138,000 households.